Do You Have A Coupon?
To Register With A Coupon Follow These Three Easy Steps:
1. Purchase your coupon through the provider.
2. Email: frontrangefencingclub@comcast.net
Include the following information:
name of the purchaser
8-digit Redemption code
class you are registering for, see the start date. Scroll below for a list of available classes
name of the student and age (if minor)
telephone number AND email address to send confirmation
a copy of this required form must be brought to the start of the first class
3. NOTE! After submitting the information and form, you will be sent important information.
Classes held at: Chinook Trail Elementary - 11795 Grand Lawn Circle (not the middle school)
Be sure to follow the building directions sent with your registration confirmation.Class size is limited and classes fill quickly. Coupons or discounts, trials may not be combined. Discounts only apply to Level One classes.
All youth, teen and adult classes meet once a week in 4 consecutive classes. Any needed equipment used during class time is provided. Pre-registration is required.
Students MUST wear gym shoes, t-shirt and gym pants. Sorry no jeans, capris, khakis, slacks, shorts, sandals, or boots.
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Available Classes
Fencer entrance is through the side door as noted.
Beginning Youth
Fencing Class
This class is for children ages 9 -14
Class meets Tuesdays, 6:00-6:50pm
January 14 - 28, 6:00-7:10 Almost full
February 4 - 25, 6:00-6:50
March 4 - 18, 6:00-7:10
April 8 - 29, 6:00-6:50
May 13 - 27, 6:00-7:10
Beginning Teen and Adult
Fencing Class
This class is for teens/adults ages 15 and up
Class meets 7:00-7:50pm
January 8 - 29 Almost full
February 5 - 26
March 5 - April 2, 6:50-8:00 * (no class 3/19)
April 9 - 30
May 7 -28