Adult Electric Fencing
As you progress through the Adult Electric Fencing curriculum you will start to work and engage in higher level games and drills, increasing your skills and confidence. The Adult Fencing Program meets monthly, once a week on Thursdays, 6:30-8:00pm, unless otherwise noted on our calendar. See our calendar: Info for Members
Each class includes an array of activities that develop strength, flexibility, and speed as well as technical and tactical exercises that will accelerate your fencing development. The curriculum incorporates necessary competition skills, and you will start electrically scored bouting.
At this point you will need your own fencing gear: Mask, Jacket, Chest and Underarm Protector, Electric Epee, Glove and Body Cord. Fencers can be sized, and equipment ordered prior to starting the Adult Fencing program. Discuss this with a coach.
Please choose the correct month from the payment dropdown.
Private Lessons
Ten minute Private Lessons come in packages of four and must be pre-paid. Fencers should be warmed up, stretched and ready to go at the start of the scheduled lesson time. Lessons are available from any coach. Please discuss scheduling with the coach.